Physical Characteristics and Natural Flow Rates of Dry Bean Cultivars of a Local Population Grown in Konya Province of Turkey

In the present study, physical characteristics of some dry bean cultivars (Sarikiz, Basara and Horoz) of a local population grown in Konya province of Turkey were determined and an experimental test set up was used to investigate flow rates on different surfaces (galvanized sheet, plain sheet and painted sheet iron) and different conveyor channel angles ($24^0$, $28^0$, $32^0$, $36^0$). In Sarikiz, Basara and Horoz dry bean cultivars respectively at 10.85, 9.63 and 9.12% moisture levels, average grain lengths were respectively measured as 11.51, 17.56 and 15.09 mm; average widths 7.21, 10.40 and 7.31 mm; average thicknesses as 5.11, 4.92 and 5.76 mm; average geometric mean diameters as 7.51, 9.64 and 8.59 mm; sphericity values as 0.65, 0.55 and 0.57; angle of repose values as 20.$07^0$, 21.$99^0$ and 18.530; thousand-kernel weights as 229.60, 514.93 and 426.67 g; bulk densities as 682.72, 696.65 and 779.17 kg $m^{-3}$.Static coefficient of friction values of the same cultivars (Sarikiz, Basara and Horoz) on galvanized, painted and plain sheet surface were respectively measured as 0.356, 0.441 and 0.427; 0.350, 0.428 and 0.396; 0.344, 0.401 and 0.383. In Horoz dry bean cultivar, the flow was seen on all surfaces and at all channel angles. However, there was no flow in Sarıkız and Basara cultivars on painted sheet surface at $24^0$ channel angle and no flow in Sarıkız cultivar on plain sheet surface at $24^0$channel angle. Among the cultivars, the greatest average flow rate (1.61 kg $s^{-1}$) was achieved in Horoz dry bean cultivar and such a flow rate was mostly designated by grain physical characteristics and surface profile. Surface roughness influenced flow rates and the greatest flow rate on galvanized sheet surface with the lowest surface roughness was measured as 1.66 kg $s^{-1}$. The greatest flow rate was obtained from $36^0$conveyor channel angle (2.01 kg $s^{-1}$). Present findings revealed that physical characteristics of the cultivars, channel roughness and angle influenced flow rates.


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TÜİK (2021), Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu Verileri [Erişim tarihi:15.03.2021].
Selcuk Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences-Cover
  • ISSN: 2458-8377
  • Yayın Aralığı: Yılda 3 Sayı
  • Başlangıç: 2002
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