The Species and Intensities of Weed Seeds Obtained from Wheat Flour Mill Plants in Turkey

Wheat production is more than 10% is in first place with potential in Konya plain of Turkey. Weed seeds mixed crop seeds cause quality and yield losses on production. This research was carried out to determine the species, intensity and frequency of weed seeds obtained from flour mill plants operating in Konya. Samples were taken from the 15 flour mill plants with working high capacity in the region. Identification of the weed seeds species in the sample was made. Comparison was made with live materials and reference documents by examining the seeds under a binocular while diagnosis of species. Also, the intensity and frequency of the species contaminated in wheat were determined. As a result of the study, 79 weed seed species belonging to 19 different families were identified. The species of families the most inclusive were Poaceaewith 14 species and Leguminosae with 13 species. In order to determine intensity and frequency of species, weed seeds counted by hand, weighed in scale were recorded in laboratory. The highest weed seeds intensity as number and weight among the species were determined Galium tricornutum (rough bedstraw) with 16.16% and Aegilops cylindrica (jointed goatgrass) with 21.22% respectively. About the frequency of species, the most frequent species was Convolvulus arvensis (field bindweed) with 100%.


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Selcuk Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences-Cover
  • ISSN: 2458-8377
  • Yayın Aralığı: Yılda 3 Sayı
  • Başlangıç: 2002
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