Modernizm sonrası Avangard akımlar tarafından oluşan sorgulama hali, sanatkavramlarına ilişkin eleştirel üretimleri yapıbozumcu bir dil üzerine oturtmuştur. Postyapısalcılığınbir sonucu olarak ortaya çıkan yapıbozum, göstergeleri sorgulayarak mevcutyapının degiştirilmesi suretiyle dil anlayışında köklü değişiklikler ortaya çıkarmıştır. Bubağlamda araştırmanın amacı; çok katmanlı eserler üreten çağımız sanatçılarının, bedeneolan yapıbozumcu tavırdaki yaklaşımlarının neler olduğunu, yapıbozum kavramınınsanatçı ve eser üzerindeki etkisini ve postmodern sanata ve güncel sanata yansımalarınıorta çıkararak bu eserlerin anlaşılmasını sağlamaktır. Günümüzde bu kavramlarınanlaşılabilmesi, yapıbozumu çalışmalarında kullanan sanatçıların eserlerinin ele alınmasınabağlıdır. Konuyla ilgili literatür taranmış, bununla birlikte yapıbozum olduğu düşünülençalışmalar incelenerek yorumlanmıştır. Araştırmada nitel veri analizi yöntemi olan “BetimselTarama” kullanılmış ve çalışmalar yedi ana başlık altında toplanarak değerlendirilmiştir.Bu araştırma, yapıbozuma uğrayan bedenlerin günümüz sanatının anlaşılmasını sağlamasıaçısından önemli görülmektedir. Sonuç olarak günümüz sanatçıları, biçimin bozulmasını,farklı göstergelerle seyirciyi irkilten çalışmalarla ortaya koymuşlardır. Gelişen teknolojisayesinde sanatçılar, dikkat çekmek istenilen düşünceyi bazen fotoğrafla, bazen videosanatı ile grafiklerle, bedeni dönüştürerek, bedene ekleme ve çıkarmalar yaparak farklıtekniklerle yapıbozuma uğratmışlardır.


The state of inquiry formed by the avant-garde movements after modernism has based Critical productions on the concepts of art on a deconstructionist language. The deconstruction that emerged as a result of Post-structuralism has revealed profound changes in the understanding of language by questioning the indicators and changing the existing structure. Purpose of research in this context; the aim of this course is to provide an understanding of the deconstructionist approaches to the body, the impact of the concept of deconstructionism on the artist and the work and their reflections on postmodern art and contemporary art. Understanding these concepts today depends on addressing the works of artists who use deconstruction in their work. Literature on the subject has been scanned, however, studies considered to be deconstructive have been examined and interpreted. “Descriptive scanning”, a qualitative data analysis method, was used in the research and the studies were collected and evaluated under seven main headings. This research is seen as important for providing an understanding of the art of today’s deconstructed bodies. Artists in the postmodern era; Together with issues such as race, religion, identity and sexual tendencies, they began to question gender categories and the concept of power more comfortably with the body that became the material of art. Especially starting in the 1990s, the “identity policies” that continue to have an effect today have influenced the work of artists. With these developments that made art political, the body was disstructed and therefore politicized. However, artists who use different styles create works in different forms of expression; Performance, photography, film, video painting, sculpture, installation and conceptual texts and elements based on gender, race and cultural practice were demonstrated using the concepts of pastry, parody and irony, which are strategies of postmodernism. The artists who carried out questionings of the form reflected the cultural elements, intertextural relations and the formal and aesthetic structure of modernism with eclectic tools and by deconstructing the modernist structure of photography and video. In this context, photography and video, which are individual and experimental forms of postmodern production, have become the most important tools of audiovisual art at a time when modernist art conception is undergoing structural disstruction. Today, the development of technology has allowed artists to express the ideas they want to emphasize more easily by providing unlimited opportunities. Production patterns such as performance and installation, which are performed only at that moment and cannot be repeated again, are recorded and documented by these tools. The purpose of these artists is; it is more about changing the way people’s minds and body are perceived than the structure of bodies. In a process where boundaries are eliminated in the context of social categories, it can be said that the boundaries of the body as well as art are de-structured with embossing, similarities and contrasts. Questioning the meaning of the body in society, these artists have transformed the body through all modernist stereotypes and different indicators of the body. In the studies examined, it is possible to say that artists construct the body and turn the body upside down by using not only formal but also content fragmentation. In addition, in order to better understand the works, it is seen as important to know the life stories of the artists in order to interpret the works of art more accurately. Therefore, in order to reveal different layers of conceptual meaning and hidden semantic structures in the works of the selected artists, the structure method has provided a better understanding of such works. In their work, these artists used the body in different ways by disassembling it or disrupting the general structure of the body. In addition, they have shown that the body is a continuously variable structure that is not fixed, with different meanings. In the studies examined, the deconstruct method also revealed that new meanings may arise when the context of indicators changes with non-constant meanings. As a result, today’s artists have demonstrated the deterioration of the form with works that startled the audience with different indicators. Thanks to the emerging technology, artists have deconstructed the thought that they want to draw attention to, sometimes with photography, sometimes with video art and graphics, by transforming, adding and removing the body with different techniques.


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