Mobile telccon1n1unication industry is in a radical developtnent process in todays~ vvorld. In thi~ proces , an increase the services \Vhich are based on data for tnobile users are n1ore anticipated than the voice con1n1unication syster Effective security solutions n1ust be provided as soon as possible to continue the success of thi~ industr;. A sec1environn1cnt should be obtained for the n1obile network systen1s. application providers and ·ub"criptions in order a llo\v then1 to perf<...,rnl operations. According to the Nokia, there are approxitnately 300 third-generation tnobile networks and each of then1 has at le l 000 access nodes \Vith one billion subscribers in the n1obile telecotnn1unication industry. ~rhcse \\'ide area net\vorks going to be IP based systen1s so secure environn1ents n1ust be established which includes the functions of verificati warnino and tracinn. b ~ In this article, security solutions of second and third generation n1obile technologies arc general!) explained for n1oc groups. Also the vvritcr deals \Vith the security probletns and solutions in the parallel of the grLat c'\pcricnces \Vh \VCrc gained while \VOrking in a GSM operator in Turkey.
Anahtar Kelimeler:

GSM, Security