The Perceptions In Respect To The Education Projects In Province Of The Teachers' In Charge Of The Elementary Schools

Nowadays, there are important events such as the black board replaced by  the smart board, the textbooks replaced by tablet computers and a dazling speed of change occured in education process. But, it has been seen that all of these changes could  be succeded by the all stakeholders' heart and brain power and theirs  the strong believes in change. Change is taking place so quickly, the teachers named the actors of the education scene, how they share their point of change and, most importantly believe in the necessity of change?  In this study, we have tried to find out the answers to questions mentioned above. As a result, we tried to ascertain the perceptions about education change efforts of teachers served in primary schools. In the study, the general survey model named descriptive research method was conducted. The frequency and percentage values were used in the resolution of data. The differences of teachers' gender, seniority, academic background, branch were compared by T-test; seniority, branch, academic background were compared by one factor variance analysis form (ANOVA) and multi dimensional comparing was used by Scheffe method. According the result of research, the teachers have seen themselves open to the change efforts. They have thougt that Increasing The Success In Education Project In Sakarya (ISEPS) and other projects were usable, resultable and had the tendecy to increase the success in education. However they have pointed out that, the change efforts were not planned, their opinions were not taken and there were difficulty to study on more than one project at the same time. They explained that these attitudes mentioned above prevented the change efforts in education. There have been meaningful  diffirence among the teachers' seniority, the realization level of project and ISEPS, the motivation and communication levels.


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