Modern işletmeciliğin ortaya çıkmasıyla beraber firma sahipliği ile yönetimi


A distinction has occurred between ownership and management of company owing to emergence of modern business management. Transfer of the administrative authority became indispensable since the administrator's increased responsibilities and guidance capabilities were beyond the expectations of owners in business. The agency problems and costs that constitute the theory are caused by the difference of ownerships and managements in the companies. There within the scope of the agency theory, mutual profit consideration exist between property owner-manager relations. Therefore, the existence of control process that is based on authorization and empowering cannot be disregarded in the relationships within the organization. The empowering states an active workplace where the employees believe that they can shape their job content and role as they wish. This kind of thinking on employee empowerment contributes to the organisational commitment of employees. Because of empowerment efforts, the employees create great commitment to organisational aims and take higher responsibilities for employee performance, work for the benefit of the organisation, provide development and realisation of abilities. Thus, the empowered employees may adopt to changes more. Within the context of this theory, a research has been done on a hundred medium and senior administrators who are working in privately owned university hospital that is operating in Ankara. The data obtained from that survey is analyzed through SPSS 15.0 statistics program. According to these findings, perception of administrative personnel about empowering is measured.


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