Green management is a paradigm that includes improving environmental awareness, using energy resources and eco-friendly technologies, reuse of wastes, and recycling activities starting from production activities of businesses to packaging and delivering to consumers. Businesses have now become aware that environment must be preserved and tended towards green management as a result of destructed and demolished environment, and the effect of hunger, scarcity, global problems despite developed societies. Businesses have switched from traditional management mentality to environment-oriented green management. The objective of green management is to ensure operation activities be performed in accord with environment, to preserve environment in business objectives, visions and goals as well as operation functions, to enable continuous development, and to select technologies in accordance with sustainability principle.  The aim of this study was to examine business’s success in green management, activities and   green management vision. The present study discussed a business that uses green management with case study, a qualitative research method. It is concluded that social responsibility acts on business’s awareness to green management; businesses provide their personnel with orientation training on green management practices; the environment is protected by implementation of green management; and the business raises awareness of consumers, placing an emphasize on being eco-friendly in their advertising.


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