Supporting the Post-School Goals of Youth with Disabilities through Use of a Transition Coordinator

Principals in the United States are responsible for creating educational environments that enable students, including those with disabilities, to achieve both academic and postschool goals. Unfortunately, many principals lack the preparation necessary to effectively lead special education programs. To support principals and ensure that students with disabilities are prepared for life after high school, school districts may employ transition coordinators. These special education teachers support students with disabilities in identifying and achieving their post-school goals. In this paper, we describe the transition coordinator role and essential job components in detail.


  • Asselin, S. B., Todd-Allen, M., & DeFur, S. (1998). Transition coordinators define yourselves. Teaching Exceptional Children, 30(3), 11-15. Asselin, S. B., Todd-Allen, M., & DeFur, S. (1998). Transition coordinators define yourselves. Teaching Exceptional Children, 30(3), 11-15. Barnhill, G. P. (2016). Supporting students with Asperger syndrome on college campuses: Current practices. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, 31(1), 3-15.