Moving Forward Amidst the Swirls: Reframing The Relational Approach as a Step ‘Beyond’ Leadership

Embedding the relational approach as a research project is a viable alternative to normative conceptualisation and practice of leadership. However, as the shift from substantialist assumptions to relational theorising gathers momentum, the evolving nature of the argument so far suggests that more needs to be done to bolster its robustness. Rather than being a refutation, this commentary reengages with the relational approach in a way that attempts to locate it within the historical development of theorising in educational leadership as a specialised field. More specifically, it focuses a large part of its analysis on the strength of underpinning ontological theorising which, arguably, nullifies binaries without accounting for (assumptions about) them as it shifts its focus on relations. To ensure parallel monologues begin to engage and that auctors draw on an array of knowledges, the commentary reviews the relational approach and provides alternative avenues and resources to further its aims 


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