In this article, the authors consider the opportunities offered to beneficiary countries by obtaining the GSP+ status, as well as the problems associated with the implementation of EU conditions. Preferential treatment is necessary to equalize trade relations between developed and developing countries in the process of expanding international trade. In this article, the authors analyze the preferential treatment of EU GSP and GSP+ for developing countries. In particular, the authors analyze the application of the regime in Asian countries, on the example of Pakistan and Eastern European countries, on the example of Georgia and Armenia. The General features of the problems and recommendations for their resolution are considered. in the final part, the situation with the use of GSP+ in the Kyrgyz Republic is analyzed, and recommendations are made to improve the benefits of preferential treatment based on international experience.


In this article, the authors consider the opportunities offered to beneficiary countries by obtaining the GSP+ status, as well as the problems associated with the implementation of EU conditions. Preferential treatment is necessary to equalize trade relations between developed and developing countries in the process of expanding international trade. In this article, the authors analyze the preferential treatment of EU GSP and GSP+ for developing countries. In particular, the authors analyze the application of the regime in Asian countries, on the example of Pakistan and Eastern European countries, on the example of Georgia and Armenia. The General features of the problems and recommendations for their resolution are considered. in the final part, the situation with the use of GSP+ in the Kyrgyz Republic is analyzed, and recommendations are made to improve the benefits of preferential treatment based on international experience.


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