An analysis of the art aspect of folk music

Music has different functions, such as being a communication tool, in human life. It may sometimes apply to people who have the same culture and language, and it may also apply to people who are from different cultures or who speak different languages. Folk music and art music are also communication tools of Turkish society. Folk music is considered as rural music, and art music is considered as urban music, and they are generalized to the population. However, a study should represent the population so that it can be generalized to the population. There are no adequate studies on folk music. Moreover, it is considered that acting as if Turkish music consists of Anatolia does not produce accurate results. In this study, it will be revealed that Turkish folk music has an artistic structure through the example of the Azerbaijani mugham form. The mugham form is a systematic musical form. The succession of sections is not accidental. On the contrary, each section occurs in a certain musical function relationship.


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