Dilek OLCAY, İsmail Yaşar AVCI, Selma Yegane TOSUN, Can Polat EYİGÜN, Ahmet Bülent BEŞİRBELLİOĞLU, Şükrü Volkan ÖZGÜVEN, Alaaddin PAHSA

Anti-Hev Antibody Prevalence in Three Distinct Regions of Turkey and its Relationship with Age, Gender, Education and Abortions

Anti-Hev Antibody Prevalence in Three Distinct Regions of Turkey and its Relationship with Age, Gender, Education and Abortions

Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences

2003-Cilt: 33 - Sayı: 1


Anti-HEV antibody, epidemiology, age, gender, education and abortion

Anti-HEV antibody, epidemiology, age, gender, education and abortion