Selahattin KADİR, Hülya ERKOYUN

Genesis of the hydrothermal Karaçayır kaolinite deposit in Miocene volcanics and Palaeozoic metamorphic rocks of the Uşak-Güre Basin, western Turkey

Genesis of the hydrothermal Karaçayır kaolinite deposit in Miocene volcanics and Palaeozoic metamorphic rocks of the Uşak-Güre Basin, western Turkey

Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences

2013-Cilt: 22 - Sayı: 3


Uşak, hydrothermal alteration, kaolinite, Miocene volcanites, Palaeozoic metamorphics, mineralogy, geochemistry, stable-isotope geochemistry

Uşak, hydrothermal alteration, kaolinite, Miocene volcanites, Palaeozoic metamorphics, mineralogy, geochemistry, stable-isotope geochemistry