Abinash SİLWAL, Sunil TAMANG, Rajendra ADHİKARİ

Use of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) for mapping, and accuracy assessment of the orthophoto with and without using GCPs: A case study in Nepal

Use of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) for mapping, and accuracy assessment of the orthophoto with and without using GCPs: A case study in Nepal

Mersin Photogrammetry Journal

2022-Cilt: 4 - Sayı: 2


Orthophoto, Orthophoto, Orthophoto, Orthophoto, Orthophoto, Orthophoto, Orthophoto, Orthophoto, Orthophoto, Orthophoto, Orthophoto, Orthophoto, Orthophoto, Orthophoto, Orthophoto, Orthophoto, Orthophoto, Orthophoto, Orthophoto, Orthophoto

Photogrammetry, UAV, GIS, HPC, Orthophoto