Burcu İLERİ FİKRİ, Alev ÖZTAŞ, Ezgi Direnç YÜCEL, Mesut AYER, Güldem TURAN

COVID-19'a Bağlı Gelişen Hiperinflamatuvar Yanıtın Yoğun Bakımda Tedavisi: Antisitokinler, Plazmaferez, IVIG, Sitokin Filtresi

Treatment of COVID-19-Releated Hyperinflammatory Response In Intensive Care Unit: Pulse Steroid, Anticytokines, IVIG, Plasmapheresis.

Journal of Contemporary Medicine

2022-Cilt: 12 - Sayı: 2


COVID-19, ICU, ARDS, Hiperinflamatuvar yanıt, steroid

COVID-19, ICU, ARDS, Hyperinflammatory response, steroid


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