Kur’ân, eşsiz üslubu ve muhtevasıyla mûcizevî özelliklere sahiptir. Bu özelliklerin yanı sıra birtakım bilimsel gerçeklerin 14 asır evvel Kur’ân’da haber verilmesi ve son dönem teknolojisiyle bunların doğrulanması da, onun Cenâb-ı Hak’ın kelamı olduğunun kesin bir kanıtıdır. Şüphesiz ki Kur’ân, bir bilim kitabı değildir. Lakin onun son derece veciz ve hikmetli bir anlatımla işaret ettiği hakikatlerin bilimsel bulgularla keşfedilmesi, onu diğer kitaplardan farklı kılmıştır. Kur‘ân‘ın indirildiği dönemde Araplar, bilim ve teknolojiden anlamadıkları halde onlar hakkında pekçok uydurma haber ve efsaneye inanırdı. Bu durum karşısında Kur’ân, Arapların batıl inanç ve iddialarını reddederek o dönemin insanlarınca hiç bilinmeyen haberler vermiştir. İnsanların astronomi, fizik ya da biyoloji konusunda çok az şey bildikleri bir zamanda nazil olan Kur‘ân, kâinatın yaratılışından insanın oluşumuna, atmosferin yapısından, yeryüzündeki dengelere kadar pek çok hususta bilime esin kaynağı olmuştur. İşte bu çalışmada, bilimsel gerçeklere kaynaklık eden Kur’ân âyetleri, lafızları; evren, dünya ve insan ekseninde bilim verileriyle mukayese edilerek ele alınacaktır.

Scientific Miracles Based on Word Analysis of the Verses Showing That the Quran is the Word of Allah

AbstractThe Holy Quran, has miraculous features with its unique style and content. In addition to these features, the fact that some scientific facts reported in the Quran 14 centuries ago were verifiedwith the latest technology one of definitive proofs that it is the word of God Almighty. Undoubtedly, the Qur'an is not a book that only talks about science. However, the discovery of the truths it pointed out in an extremely laconic and wise expression have been verified through scientific findings has made it different from other books. At the time when the Quran was revealed, the Arabs believed many fabricated news and legends about science and technology, as they did not understand them. In the face of this situation, the Quran rejected the superstitions and claims of Arabs and gave news that were received differently by them. The Qur'an, which was sent down at a time when people knew little about astronomy, physics or biology, has inspired scientists in many aspects from the creation of the universe to the formation of man, from the structure of the atmosphere to the balances on earth. Here in this study, the verses and words of the Quran that are the source of scientific facts will be studied by comparing scientific data within the axis of universe, the world and human.Keywords: Comment, Quran, Science, Miracle, Scientific Miracle AbstractThe Holy Quran, has miraculous features with its unique style and content. In addition to these features, the fact that some scientific facts reported in the Quran 14 centuries ago were verifiedwith the latest technology one of definitive proofs that it is the word of God Almighty. Undoubtedly, the Qur'an is not a book that only talks about science. However, the discovery of the truths it pointed out in an extremely laconic and wise expression have been verified through scientific findings has made it different from other books. At the time when the Quran was revealed, the Arabs believed many fabricated news and legends about science and technology, as they did not understand them. In the face of this situation, the Quran rejected the superstitions and claims of Arabs and gave news that were received differently by them. The Qur'an, which was sent down at a time when people knew little about astronomy, physics or biology, has inspired scientists in many aspects from the creation of the universe to the formation of man, from the structure of the atmosphere to the balances on earth. Here in this study, the verses and words of the Quran that are the source of scientific facts will be studied by comparing scientific data within the axis of universe, the world and human.Keywords:


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