Birgivî (ö. 981/1573), hicri X. yüzyılda yaşayan, dil ve ahlâk alanında eserler kaleme alan Osmanlı âlimlerinden biridir. Birgivî’nin eserlerinden el-’Avâmil Osmanlı medreselerinde Arap dili grameri öğretiminde uzun yıllar okutulmuş ve hala da ülkemizde medrese usulü Arapça eğitimi veren kurumlarda okutulmaya devam etmektedir. Birgivî’den önce de aynı isimle eserlerin kaleme alındığı bilinmektedir. Klasik dönemde telif edilen bu eserler, belli bir zaman sonra ‘Avâmil türü eserler olarak anılmıştır. Bu tür eserlerin önemli özelliklerinden biri, nahiv (syntax) konusunda muhtasar/özet eserler olmaları, bir diğer özellikleri de Arapça’ya yeni başlayanlar için nahiv kurallarının öğretilmesinde kolaylık sağlamalarıdır. Birgivî’nin el-‘Avâmil isimli eseri de yukarıda sayılan aynı özelliklere sahip olmakla beraber, her bir kural için verdiği örneklerle diğer ‘Avâmil türü eserlerden farklılığını ortaya koymuştur. Şöyle ki eserdeki tüm örnekler diğer eserlerdeki örneklerden farklı olarak; İslâm inancı, amel/dinî pratik, İslam dininin ön gördüğü ahlâk kuralları, ahiret ve benzeri konulara dairdir. Eserin sahip olduğu bu özellik bizim açımızdan incelenmesini önemli hale getirmektedir. Çalışmanın konusu Birgivî’nin el-’Avâmil isimli eserinin ahlâk öğretilerine teşvik açısından incelenmesidir. Amacı dil eserlerinin, gramerin yanı sıra ahlâk alanına yaptığı vurguyu ortaya koyarak alana mütevazı bir katkı sunmaktır. Birgivî (d. 981/1573) is one of the Ottoman scholars who lived in the 10th century of the Hegira and wrote works in the field of language and ethics. al-'Avâmil, one of Birgivî's works, was taught in the teaching of Arabic language grammar in Ottoman madrasahs for many years and still continues to be taught in institutions that provide Arabic education in madrasah style in our country. It is known that works with the same name were written before Birgivî. These works, which were copyrighted in the classical period, were called 'Avâmil works' after a certain time. One of the important features of such works is that they are concise/summary works on nahiv (syntax), and another feature is that they provide convenience in teaching nahiv rules for beginners to Arabic. Although Birgivî's work al-'Avâmil has the same features listed above, it has revealed its difference from other 'Avâmil' type works with the examples given for each rule. Namely, all the examples in the work are different from the examples in other works; It is about Islamic belief, deed/religious practice, moral rules prescribed by the religion of Islam, the Hereafter and similar issues. This feature of the work makes it important for us to examine it. The subject of the study is the examination of Birgivî's al-'Avamil in terms of encouragement to moral teachings. Its aim is to make a modest contribution to the field by revealing the emphasis of language works on morality as well as grammar.

Faıth And Ethıcs In Grammar Works (Sample Of Bırgıvı's Work Tıtled Al-'Avâmıl)

AbstractBirgivî (d. 981/1573) is one of the Ottoman scholars who lived in the 10th century of the Hegira and wrote works in the field of language and ethics. al-'Avâmil, one of Birgivî's works, was taught in the teaching of Arabic language grammar in Ottoman madrasahs for many years and still continues to be taught in institutions that provide Arabic education in madrasah style in our country. It is known that works with the same name were written before Birgivî. These works, which were copyrighted in the classical period, were called 'Avâmil works' after a certain time. One of the important features of such works is that they are concise/summary works on nahiv (syntax), and another feature is that they provide convenience in teaching nahiv rules for beginners to Arabic. Although Birgivî's work al-'Avâmil has the same features listed above, it has revealed its difference from other 'Avâmil' type works with the examples given for each rule. Namely, all the examples in the work are different from the examples in other works; It is about Islamic belief, deed/religious practice, moral rules prescribed by the religion of Islam, the Hereafter and similar issues. This feature of the work makes it important for us to examine it. The subject of the study is the examination of Birgivî's al-'Avamil in terms of encouragement to moral teachings. Its aim is to make a modest contribution to the field by revealing the emphasis of language works on morality as well as grammar.Keywords:, Arabic Language, Grammar Works, Birgivî, al-'Avâmil, Ethics.


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