االتجاهات البحثية فيدراسات نقد متن الحديثعند الصحابة "دراسة نقدية "

يهدف هذا البحث إلى دراسةاالتجاهاتالمنهجيةالبحثية في

Research Trends in Studies of Criticism of Hadith's body (Matn) at Sahaba's Era "Critical Study "

This research aims to study the research methodological trends in contemporary literature specialized in criticizing the body of Hadith (Matn) at Companions' period which wrote in Arabic, in terms of the scientific form and its existing, specialization, the scientific methodology, research priorities, the emitters and the scientific purposes that seek them, and the extent of their connection to other Islamic sciences, and the research provided scientific observations on these issues, through analyzing the content of these scientific works mentioned in these books, and indicating their scientific value according to their handling of the focal points in the science of modern criticism, and the research concluded that the research and methodological trends in these books have a strong relationship with the researcher's specialization and scientific ability, and that most of them have been linked to academic purposes, and emphasized the importance of these studies in forming the theory of criticism of Matn at companions' period, while emphasizing that these research trends still need to show the relationship of textual criticism of the companions with other sciences, and benefit from these The sciences are more in the manifestation of the theory of the criticism of the dead among the companions, and the research recommended the necessity of an institutional work that achieves scientific and cognitive integration between Islamic sciences and its specialists to form a scientific encyclopedia in the theory of the criticism of the Matn among the companions.


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