Teachers and Students’ Opinions on the Practice of Transported Education

Teachers and Students’ Opinions on the Practice of Transported Education

The aim of this research is to identify and interpret the problems of the transported secondary school practice based on the opinions of teachers and students in the transported school, to analyze the relationship between the two and to make suggestions. The population of the research using descriptive screening model consists of 57 teachers working in a total of 4 secondary schools in Haymana district of Ankara province and 195 students transported to these four secondary schools in the 2015-2016 academic year. In the research, the Teachers’ Opinions Scale for Transported Secondary School Practice and the Students’ Opinions Scale for Transported Secondary School Practice were used as data collection tools. The data were collected by the researcher through visiting each school in the sample and analyzed using SPSS 15 and LISREL 8. In the analysis of the data, together with descriptive statistical methods, independent sample t-Test, one-way variance (ANOVA) were used, and the results were tabulated. According to the results obtained from the research, female students participating in the research have more negative views about transported education than male students. In addition, it was observed that students in the older age group had more negative thoughts than younger students. It was also observed that there was no significant difference between the monthly income level of the family and the opinions of students about the application of transported education. Teachers, on the other hand, were found to have more negative views on the problems related to transportation vehicles as the year of professional work increased. It was seen that there was no significant difference in the opinions of teachers about the application of transported education and the year of professional work at a transporting central school. As a result, some suggestions were made based on the findings of the research.


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