Environmental Attitude Levels of Primary Teachers Candidates

Environmental Attitude Levels of Primary Teachers Candidates

The purpose of this research is to investigate the level of environmental attitudes of candidate classroom teachers. Because the positive or negative attitudes of the students towards the environment in childhood are manifested in various forms in the following years. Therefore, it is much easier and at the same time important for the students to acquire positive attitudes towards the environment in the early ages by moving from the proverb of "tree can be bend while it is fresh". The research was designed within the context of the quantitative research as relational model. The universe of research constitutes students who study in the Basic Education Department of Faculty of Education at a state university during the fall semester of 2016-2017 academic year. “New Environmental Paradigm Scale" developed by Dunlap and Van Liere (2000) was the main data collection tool of this study. According to the findings of the research, awareness level of environmental attitudes were found to be "moderate" of the candidate classroom teachers. In addition to the theoretical dimension of the courses related to environmental subjects during university education, it may be suggested to develop the practical dimension in such a way that official and state institutions will be also observed in their activities they practice in the field in order to develop their environmental attitudes agains to natural and human environment.


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