Saydamlık ve Mahremiyet Konusunda Belirsizlikler: Seyfi Arkan'ın Yeni Türk Cumhuriyeti İçin Tasarladığı Konutlar

1. "Şehrin [Ankara] aktüalitesi biraz da bu yeni binalarla Mustafa Kemal'in hayatıydı. Bu nerde basıldığı bilinmeyen, hatta hiç elinize geçmeyen, fakat sizden başka herkesin okuduğu ve her ağzın beraberce size naklettiği bir gazeteye benziyordu." Tanpınar (1945,1992, 7). The earlier version was originally published in Ülkü (September 1942,10-15). The quoted passage was added afterwards. All translations from German and Turkish belong to the author, unless otherwise indicated.

Ambiguities of Transparency and Privacy in Seyfi Arkan's Houses for the New Turkish Republic


  • 1. Ankara Belediyesi Arşivi (Municipality Archives), Ankara.
  • 2. Seyfi Arkan Papers, Melih Şallı's Personal Collection, Istanbul, (not open to public)
  • 3. Seyfi Arkan Papers, Milli Saraylar Arşivi, Istanbul.
  • 4. Nachlafi Heinrich Tessenow, Kunstbibliothek, Berlin.
  • 5. Bernd Nicolai Personal Collection, Trier, (not open to public)
  • 6. Akademie der Künste, Berlin.
  • 7. Arkitekt; Mimar (till 1935); La Turquie Kemaliste
  • 8. 50 Yılda İmar ve Yerleşme (1973) İmar ve İskan Bakanlığı, Ankara.
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  • 25.HEGEMANN, W (1931) Poelzig-Schüler, Wasmuths Monatshefter für Baukunst (15) 100-103.
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  • 27.HOLOD, R and EVIN A., eds. (1984) Modern Turkish Architecture, University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia.
  • 28.KANDEMİR, (1952) Florya Deniz Köşkü, Ayda Bir (1952); 35-37.
  • 29.KARAOSMANOĞLU, Y. K. (1934,1972) Ankara, 4th ed., Remzi Kitabevi, İstanbul.
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  • 31.LORD KINROSS (1966) Mustafa Kemal, Bir Milletin Yeniden Doğuşu, trans. N. Yeğinobalı, A. Tezel, Sander Yayınevi, İstanbul.
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  • 33.Mimarlığımız. 1923-1950 (1973) Mimarlık (2) 19-62.
  • 34.NICOLAI, B. (1998) Moderne und Exil. Deutschsprachige Architekten in der Türkei 1925-1955, Verlag für Bauwesen, Berlin.
  • 35.Poelzig und seine Schule, Ausstellung Veranstaltet von der Preuissische Akademie der Künste zu Berlin, Exhibition on March 1931 (1931) Ernst Wasmuth Verlag, Berlin.
  • 36.POSENER, J (1977) Hans Poelzig and Heinrich Tessenow at the Technische Hochschule, Berlin-Charlottenburg, Lotus (16) 20.
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  • 38.PEKTAŞ, M. (1940) Turkish Women, La Turquie Kemaliste (32-40) 10-14.
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  • 41.SCHIRREN, M. (1989) Eine Bauhütte fur Berlin. Hans Poelzig und sein Meisteratelier an der PreuBischen Akademie der Künste, Hans Poelzig (1989) ed. M. Schirren, ed., Ernst & Sohn, Berlin.
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  • 44.SÖZEN, M. Cumhuriyet Dönemi Türk Mimarlığı, Türkiye İş Bankası Yayınları, Ankara.
  • 45.SPEER, A. (1970) inside the Third Reich, trans. R. and C. Winston, The MacMillan Company, New York.
  • 46.TANPINAR, A.H. (1992,1945) Beş Şehir, MEB Yayınları, İstanbul.
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