Nahîfî’nin Dîvânında Bulunmayan Beş Gazeli

Klasik Türk edebiyatında şiir mecmuaları, farklı şairlere ait şiirlerin bir araya getirildiği antoloji niteliğindeki eserleri ifade

The Five Ghazels Which are Not in Nahifi’s Divan

The mecmua of poetry in the Turkish classical literature express works which kind of anthologies and various poems arecollected. The mecmuas of poetry have a great number of contributions in classical Turkish studies. Considering thiscontributions, thanks to the mecmuas of poetry, a lot of poems which are not take part in the divans of the many importantpoets discovering have come first. This discovered poems have been incorporating the text and have contributing todivans when the critical editions of the poems in divans are prepared. This article has been prepared towards thisperception. This work is about Nahifi, an important poet of 18th, and his 5 ghazels which are not included in Nahifi’sdivan. The ghazels are manuscript in the Library of Suleymaniye Hamidiye collection, on number 1186.Nahifi translated Mesnevi from Persian into Turkish which fairly famous and sizable work of Mevlana Celaleddin-i Rumiand because of this he have become a curious and respected poem both his age and the ages which came from afterdead of Nahifi. At the same time he have a quite sizable divan. He has had 25 works, many of them written in the formof masnavi. Considering this, it can be said that he is quite a productive poet.We determined 26 poems related to Nahifi in Mecmua. Five poet among in this 26 poems is not existed in the Divan ofNahifi. Beside, the text of ghazels which are not in Nahifi’s divan were given and translated into modern Turkish.


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