Bolu is situated in the West Blacksea region, on the motorway that combines Istanbul with Ankara. It has got a lot of tourism attractiveness suchas: sea, lake, forest, wildlife, thermal water. The province has got a very long history and a lot of important historical richnesses for example mosques, baths, tombs, brideges. There are a lot of holiday villages, motels, pensions, five star hotels and camping sites that offer facilities for everyone. According to the seasons Botu has got different kinds of facilities suchas hunting, sports. In the summertime sea tourism, in the winter-mountain tourism and in every seasons thermal tourism. In 1996 the number of touristic resorts with tourism Licence was 14 and the capacity was 2400. Because of its geographical place and also its charm it has an important tourism potential, but in the last 5 years time the number of tourists decreased. Bolu needs some studies to take its real place among Turkish tourism. The way Bolu could develop is only this way because it hasn't got any important source of income except the developing industry.
Anahtar Kelimeler:

bolu, turizm


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