Öğrencilerin Fen Projelerinin İnsan Vücudundaki Sistemler Yönünden İçerik Analizi

Özet: Fen Bilimleri Dersi Öğretim Programında (FBDÖP) insan vücudunda yer alan sistemlerin yapısı ve işleyişi önemli bir yere sahiptir. İlgili içeriklere, her sınıf düzeyinde doğrudan veya dolaylı olacak şekilde yer verilmektedir. Söz konusu içerikler, güncel yaşamla olan sıkı ilişkisi nedeni ile farklı disiplinler ile birlikte öğrenme-öğretme etkinliklerinde yer alabilmektedir. Bu bağlamda ilgili konu içeriklerinin MEB ve TÜBİTAK işbirliği ile gerçekleştirilen öğrenci projelerine de konu olduğu görülmektedir. Söz konusu projelerde yer alan vücut sistemleri (VS) ile ilgili içeriklerin hangi bağlamda ele alındığının ortaya konulması, öğrencilerin bu tür konuları öğrenme süreçlerinin anlaşılabilmesine imkan tanır. Nitel araştırma türlerinden betimsel taramaya uygun olarak gerçekleştirilen bu çalışmada 2006-2018 yılları arasında gerçekleştirilen projelerin, VS ile ilgili içerikler bakımından analizi gerçekleştirilmiştir. Analiz birimi olarak “VS ile ilgili içerikler” belirlenmiştir. Kataloglarında yer alan ilgili proje içerikleri, belirlenen analiz birimi bakımından içerik analizine tabi tutulmuştur. Kategorilerin geçerlik ve güvenirliğini arttırmak için kategori oluşturma süreci farklı zamanlarda tekrar edilmiş, uzman görüşü alınarak bulguların gerçekten analiz birimi ile ilgili olup olmadığına karar verilmiştir. Sonuçlar, 720 adet fen projesi içinden, VS ile ilgili içerikleri doğrudan içeren 41 adet çalışmanın olduğunu göstermektedir. Bu durum, etkileri doğrudan algılanabilen VS’nin öğrenme sürecinde oldukça soyut kalabildiğini ortaya koymaktadır. Benzer bir durum projelerde ele alınan makro düzeydeki diğer konular için de söz konusudur. Yetişkinlerin, çocukların makro ve mikro düzeyde olabilen veya soyut kalan bazı kavramların öğrenilmesi sürecinde başka uygulamalar ile onları desteklemesi gerekmektedir. Bu tür durumlarda öğretmenlerin, öğrencileri bu çalışmanın kapsamında incelenen Proje Tabanlı Öğrenme (PTÖ) ürünlerinde kullanıldığı gibi somut öğrenme etkinlikleri oluşturmaya veya etkili öğrenme stratejilerini uygulamaya yönlendirmeleri faydalı bir yol olabilir.

A Content Analysis Study of Students’ Science Projects on Human Body Systems

Science education curriculum (SEC) includes scientific thinking processes and conceptual understanding. Skills located in such curriculum need active participation to the related practices such as Project Based Learning (PBL). As known that PBL has the steps including social interactions and scientific thinking process, it has an important part in science education. Features of PBL have connections with scinece-technology-society-environment reltionships. From the beginning to the end, each step of PBL provides the students active participation to the learning practices. Due to the fact that PBL focuses on producing a product, it has a lot of curricular or extracurricular content. As a brief statement, this learning method is suitable for achieving the goal of SEC about bringing the real life and scientific knowledge. Systems of human bady have an important part in Science Curriculum at elementary level in Turkey. They are located in elementary science curriculum from 3 through 8 grades indirectly and from 6 through 7 grades directly. Such contents having relation with topics of living things and life can be used in various teaching and learning practices in an interdisciplinary viewpoint based on daily life. In this context, it is understood that the projects carried out in a competition administered by Ministry of National Education (MNE) and TUBITAK include the Systems of human body. Determination of how students can learn such concepts provides us learning their constructed knowledge related to human body systems. The project competition recently carried out by MNE is an interesting teaching practice for PBL. Therefore, this study investigates wheather each project includes the systems of human body or not. The results of this research aim at identifying the projects content related to internal organs and insructional designations and five senses on related topics. Therefore in this study, the students’ science projects carried out from 2006 through 2018 years througout Turkey were analysed using content analysis technique at part of the analysing unit which is determined as human body systems’ contents for this study. In this qualitative reseacrh design, a document analysis model were used to analyze the data. For this aim, a qualitative data analysing technique known as content analysis were used to analyse the documents published by MNE and The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK). Different kinds of studies from natural to social disciplines can be mainly based on this method. The content analysis technique used for examining the documents is one of these applications. It has an important place in researches related to social tendencies, historical documents and cultural studies and widely used as a qualitative design in educational studies. As known that a qualitative study aims at to classify the various ideas about a concept in general, frequency of each categories were handled as a quantitive data. The content analysis of students’ science projects carried out in a competition of MNE during the term of 2006 and 2018 in this study. The 720 student projects located in catalogues were analysed. Each project examined with the content of human body systems located in project catalogues directly or indirectly and categorized in line with the findings of this documentary research analysis. Projects were numbered from 2006 through 2018 using with the codes written in catalogues. In the process of categorization, another expert’s viewpoints experienced in Science Education were collected whether the groups reflected the analysing unit mentioned above. For the validity and reliability of this study, the categorisation process were repeated and asked for the expert opnion for the exact descriptions of each categories. Evaluating the data, it is understood that there could be 41 projects awarded including systems of human body. This result is critical for the comman knowledge of concrete feature of such biological concepts. It has a similar relation with macro and micro events’ topics. Therefore the teachers and other adults need to support to the children during learning abstract, macro and micro cases using with effective practices. Teachers can make suggestions to their students to do simple practices, Tri-D materials, models and to use or produce natural products mentioned in 19 of 41 projects. 15 of projects descriptions on learning strategies such as making researches and analogies. Additionally playing games including human body systems can be useful ways of learning. PBL in Science Education has an important place due to the fact that it is suitable for such course’s stucture and nature of learning science topics. The structure of such curse purposes to learn the scientific concepts in line with scientific thinking skills including scientific knowledge and daily life.


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