Gazi üniversitesi fransız dili eğitimi bölümündeki öğretmen adaylarının umutsuzluk düzeyine ilişkin çalışma

Gazi üniversitesi fransız dili eğitimi bölümündeki öğretmen adaylarının umutsuzluk düzeyine ilişkin çalışma

Nowadays, at least speak a foreign language is not only a necessity for every citizen of the world as part of international relations in different areas identified in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages but also is a repository for those inevitable working in the field of modern languages such as teacher trainers, textbook writers, and educationists (The Council of Europe, 2001:18) In recent years, the field of foreign language teaching has changed and developed largely as a result of various factors and the work of the Council of Europe, we realized the importance of a teaching / learning throughout life. Much research is being run in order to increase the efficiency and quality of teaching foreign languages. From this idea, our research has the objective to raise the level of despair of future language teachers. It is important to determine that learning throughout life can be integrated explicitly in the curriculum. Teacher educators insist that education and training are ongoing processes to improve professional development and to increase transparency and transferability of qualifications. Thus, Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEC) will ensure the recognition and transferability of qualifications of teacher training to develop a common recognition of language skills. The objective is to increase mobility and European exchanges and promote training programs for foreign language teachers of high quality in Europe. The main objective of our company is to determine the level of desperation of students or teachers in the teaching / learning French. In the future, the hope that there will be interest in motivation, the profession etc.. On the other hand, to motivate students in their learning of French and other represents a valuable asset in life. In order to determine the level of desperation of future teachers, the Beck Hopelessness Scale which contains 20 questions is used. The data we obtained during the factor analysis, shows the validity of statistical downscaling for despair and provides results to assess their views on their level of desperation. After providing the theoretical framework, we present the results that can demonstrate conclusion. The also emphasizes the relationship with the expectations of despair, feelings for the future, loss of motivation in their teaching / learning, relative to their age, gender, class. Through this research, we hope to draw a picture of the role of teachers in order to suggest some appropriate and effective remediation which is benefit of education and order. Our question is as follows: Is there a significant difference between the levels of desperation of students and their ages, their gender, years and degrees and their income levels?". According to descriptive statistics, we can argue that the loss of student motivation is higher, level of hope is at a low level. We can say that the male students feel more these feelings in the sub-dimension of feelings and expectations about the future. Gender of students is not meaning of their perception of the sub-dimension of feelings and expectations about the future, loss of motivation and hope. No significant differences were observed between the age of students and levels of hopelessness. The grade of the students is not a significant determinant of the perception of their feelings and expectations about the future, loss of motivation and hope. No significant difference was found between their degree and sub-dimensions of despair. We can talk about a significant determinant of perception for the variable loss of motivation. It is therefore important to play on the psychological effect of young apprentices, motivating and encouraging them to further their training and knowledge, all pillars of economic development. We must increase the number of courses for their area and improve the profession in terms of social, cultural and economic interest to increase the trade and to develop positive attitudes. The training of future teachers must continue throughout his career and it is a profession that you learn throughout life. We must make social and cultural activities with the aim of increasing the level of the culture of student teachers.


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