Edebiyat ve psikoloji arasında yakın bir ilişki vardır, çünkü psikoloji edebi yaratıcılığa en yakın bilimlerden biridir; her iki ilimde insanların eylemleri, tepkileri, arzuları ve maruz kaldıkları sıkıntılarla ilgilenirler. Çünkü Roman, psikolojik yaklaşımı en çok kullanan bir edebi eser olarak, yazarın romanında kahramanlarına kendi içgüdü ve duygularını, onların karakterine yansıtarak mizacını ortaya çıkarma imkânı sunmaktadır. Araştırmacıya roman metinleri üzerinden psikolojik yaklaşımı anlatarak çok önemli katkılar sağlar, onlara anahtarlar ve araçlar vererek onların karakter analizlerini yaparak, onların bastırılmış duygularının açıklığa kavuşturarak okuyucusuna sunarak bu duyguların açıklığa ulaşmasını sağlar.Bu çalışma, Ahmed Ziyad Muhabbik'in "Nil Caddesindeki Daire" adlı romanında karakterlerin psikolojik olaylarını ele almayı ve analiz etmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Bu romanı seçmemizin sebebi, genel anlamda Suriye'deki savaş ve özellikle de Halep toplumunun ele aldığı bu savaşın Suriye toplumu üzerindeki etkisi ve önemini üzerinde durmak içindir. Savaş, yazarın duygu ve düşüncelerini ve savaşa karşı tutumunu karakteri aracılığıyla aktarmak için verimli bir alandır. Bu, insana ve mekâna yönelik, öldürme ve kan akıtma sahnelerinin tasviri aracılığıyla sağlanmaktadır.Bu romanı seçmemizin bir diğer önemli nedeni de bu savaşın yaşandığı yer ve zamanın, dünyanın eşsiz coğrafi konumuyla öne çıkan ünlü Halep antik kenti olmasıdır ki, savaşın şiddetinin zirve yaptığı yerdir. Romanda, orada yaşanan çatışmaya ait acı veren sıkıntılı anların gerçekçi gözlemleri ve üzücü manzaraların, tasviri yapılarak sunulmuştur. Roman karakterlerinin maruz kaldıkları zulüm, işkence, nefret, kaygı, aşk, gibi psikolojik yönlerinin incelenmesinin yanı sıra psikolojik çatışmanın incelenmesine, karakterlerinin hayallerine de araştırmada yer verilmiştir.

Some Humanitarian Values in Masnawi-e Mawlana

AbstractThere is a close relationship between literature and psychology, because psychology is one of the closest sciences to literary creativity; They both deal with human beings and their reactions, desires, and misery. The novel is one of the most open-minded literary works of the psychological approach, as it allows the novelist to reveal many of his instincts and temperaments, by reflecting them on the characters of his novel, and passing on his speeches and feelings. The psychological approach provides great services in the study of narrative texts, giving them keys and tools to enable them to discover the novelist's depths by analyzing his characters, demystifying them, clarifying them, and presenting them to the recipient. This study aims to address the psychological phenomena of the characters and analyze them in the novel "Shaka Alla Sharee Alneel", by Ahmed Ziad Mohabek. The choice of this novel as the subject of research is because of the importance of the topic addressed in this novel, namely the war in Syria and its impact on Syrian society in general and Aleppo in particular. The war is a fertile field for conveying the writer's feelings through his characters, expressing his thoughts and his attitude to the war. This is done by depicting scenes of killing, blood and destruction that afflict man and place.Another reason for choosing this novel is the importance of the place and time in which this war is taking place: Aleppo, an ancient city that is famous for its unique geographical location in the world. The time was a period when the conflict intensified, and the war reached its climax. The novel observed this conflict and presented a sad picture of human suffering in this city, touching the reality a lot. It was based on the study of the psychological aspects of narrative characters such as injustice, hatred, anxiety, love, etc., as well as the study of the psychological conflict in which they are exposed, the dreams of their characters, and presenting the results of the research.The Structured AbstractThis study is based on the psychological method, one of the most important methods followed by critics for the analysis of literary text. It subordinates literary texts to psychological research and tries to use psychological theories in the interpretation of literary events and the determination of their reasons. We can say that this methodology started in a structured scientific way after the appearance of Freud's work in psychoanalysis. In such a study, it is necessary to stand up and identify with the characters made by the novelist and reveal the inner psychological secrecy that usually appears in the characters' speech.Since Freud was the first theorist of this approach, it was necessary to study his views on the soul. According to Freud, the human spirit is covered by two things: the subconscious, which covers its greatest area, and consciousness, which covers the smaller one. He thinks that there are three systems that interact with each other to create personality. The three systems are Identity, ego and superego.The first psychological aspects we see in the novel is injustice and its causes, namely it means to displace something. Injustice stems from the social life that people live in and how they practice injustice with each other. There are many examples of injustice in the novel, such as the injustice of the father to his children and his wife and leaving them without supportor  and this is what abo Jameel's sister husband has done the injustice for Abo Jameel's elder brother to Abo Jameel and his brothers by  buying the house from them cheaply.The second is hatred and its motivation because it is patriarchy and distress and the negative emotions that affect human life. It was with many types uch as hatred of  war and injustice, hatred of mistakes, and the hatred of man to man. In the novel, we can see the hatred of Abi Jamil's brothers towards him because he married a girl he loved an educated girl. The third is the love and its fruits, which means the feeling of belonging to a person or something, and there are many psychological indications in the novel. Such as the love between a man and a woman, because of the sexual need, such a  the love of Abu Jamil, the most important charcter in the novel, and in this context there is another kind of love that what we call for the positive emotions in the social interaction like the love of Abu Jameel to his sister whose husband left her and her children .There is also the love of Om Jameel for her daughter who lives in Qatar. There is also the love fort he place  and the homeland where a man was born, and all these genres are printed with the rich psychological nature spoken by the characters of the novel. Fourthly, the fear and its consequences .It is the feeling of something bad will happen or the fera of losing the close people .The fear was in many places in the novel where its main motive was the war its results from  explosions.The fear can be traced at Abo Jameel's fear from the future and it was repeated fort he lose of his son Jamil, who was martyred at the end of the novel. And the fifth is anxiety about the causes and consequences .It is a state of being worried and not being relaxed and comfortable arising from unpleasant social experiences. According to the novel, anxiety has two sources that originate from the inside, from the same personality, and from the outside, from all sides, from the outside world, and most of them appear in the acts of the characters and control them. This is generally the result of anxiety caused by the bad situation in the country in general. And the sixth is sadness and it motivations , Types of sadness accumulated in the souls of the characters of the novel, especially when the war and its shells were inflicted by innocent and defenseless people.As the death of Ola, who was a friend of Abu Jamil's sister, and the death of the Lebanese searcher and the death of Jameel. And the seventh is homesikhnes, and its tragedies .It is the loneliness felt by the characters of the novel in their homeland,its causes in  the novel is the lost, and the psychological stress that led to the separation of the personalities from the outside world.In the novel,the psychological conflict emerged, such as the struggle between love and duty, the struggle between good and evil, and the struggle between lying and honesty;This was clear in the character of Abu Jamil, and in this matter the superego intervened to observe the actions of the noble characters.The search talked about the dream that helps the psychoanalyst to reveal the desires of the novelist characters and their implications, and it shows that the reason that drives the man to dream is the reality and its concerns and the harsh conditions that surround the personality, and the habits and traditions that cannot be overcome.The research came with the important results that emerged with the psychological methodology used in the study of personalities and the importance of these psychological aspects. The novel "Shaqa on El-Nael Sharee" was able to present a picture of the war and its implications for the reality of life in its various fields, its impact on the place and the human being, It showed the negative consequences that the ınjustıce has in all its forms among people in all levels, through its characters especially the main characters, We canfınd the feelings of hatred in all the characters of the novel they violate the rules of social life, and the hatred of war has clearly emerged. In response to the war the feelings of love prevailed, and this is a clear proof of the great state of brotherhood that people have in the tıme of war. The atmosphere of the novel was filled with anxiety since its early pages, The characters seemed mostly in a state of anxiety and fear of the unknown fate that awaited each of them, and this anxiety was momentary at the end, and the sadness seemed to be the companion of the characters The dream came as a sign that the characters escaped from their bitter reality, to find a away out of their sadness and great tragedies.What distinguishes the novel is its presentation of the manifestations of psychological life through the actions of the characters and their attıtudes and through their dialogue with others, their revelations, and confessions, and the writer left the recipient the freedom of understanding and interpretation and did not resort to the introspection of the characters or analysis of their psychology in a direct manner, Thıs what made the novel based on actions, attitudes, and scenes, including dialogue, and was far from the tradıtıonal narrative.


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