High intensity sweeteners chemicals structure, properties and applications

High intensity sweeteners chemicals structure, properties and applications

High Intense-sweeteners (HIS) are commonly used as a sugar substitutes or sugar alternatives and provide sweet without calories. HIS are in high demands due to its multiple advantages including assisting people in losing weight or avoiding obesity and assisting diabetics to control their blood sugar level. The first known intense-sweetener is Saccharine that was discovered in the year 1878. Since then scientists discovered several other intensive sweeteners that are sweater than sucrose with zero calorie. Some discovered sweeteners are Plants extract (Stevoil glycosides, and Mogrosides), semi-synthetic peptides (Aspartame,  Neotame, and sucralose), and synthetic chemicals. (Saccharine,  Acesulfame-K, and Cyclamate). These High intensive sweeteners have been approved as safe for applications [1] in foods, beverages, dietary supplements, and pharmaceuticals products by Food and Drug administration (FDA) [2] in United States and by other similar agencies in other countries [3]. The levels of these non-nutritive high intensive sweeteners used in foods, beverages, dietary supplements, and pharmaceutical products are based on the approved daily intake (ADI) by FDA and by other safety authorities worldwide. This ADI level is 100 fold lower than the safe dose demonstrated in laboratory studies.  It is estimated that the global demand of HIS is exceeding 9.0 billion dollars and growing. The only HIS that is declining in global market is the old discovered sweetener Saccharine.


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