Hatay İli Marul ve Ispanak Alanlarında Bazı Virüslerin Araştırılması

Hatay ilinde 2011-2012 yıllarında yapılan arazi çalışmalarında, marul (Lactuca sativa) ve ıspanak (Spinacia oleracea) bitkilerinin yapraklarında kabarcıklaşma, kırışıklık, aşağı veya yukarı doğru kıvrılma, gevrekleşme, mozaik, klorotik veya nekrotik lezyonlar, halkalı lekeler, damar açılması, damar nekrozu, bitkide bodurluk, şiddetli kloroz ve ölüm gibi simptomlar gözlenmiştir. Bu marul ve ıspanak bitkilerinden alınan yaprak örnekleri biyolojik (mekanik inokulasyon) ve serolojik  (DAS-ELISA) yöntemler ile Alfalfa mosaic virüs (AMV), Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), Beet western yellows virus (BWYV), Miraflori Lettuce big vein virus (MiLBVV), Lettuce mosaic virus (LMV), Tobacco mosaic tobamovirus (TMV), Tobacco ring spot virüs (TRSV) ve Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) yönünden testlenmiştir. Marul ve ıspanak bitkilerinden alınan örneklerde sırası ile %67.9 ve %38.8 oranında virüs enfeksiyonu saptanmıştır. Testlenen 53 adet marul örneğinde LMV (%47.1), MiLBVV (%11.3), TSWV (%5.6) ve CMV (%3.7), 18 adet ıspanak örneğinde ise, CMV (%16.6), TSWV (%11.1), LMV(%11.1) belirlenmiştir. Hatay ilinde yetiştirilen ıspanak bitkilerinde, TSWV ve LMV enfeksiyonu ilk kez belirlenmiştir. Conyza (Erigeron) canadensis örneklerinde LMV ve TSWV, Sonchus oleraceus bitkilerinde LMV ve Cichorium intybus bitkilerinde TSWV ilk kez belirlenmiştir. 


During the surveys, puckering or wrinkling, folding down or upright, brittle, mosaic, chlorotic or necrotic lesions, ring spots, vein enlarged, clearing or vein necrosis, dwarfing, severe chlorosis and death symptoms were observed on lettuce and spinach plants in HatayTurkey in 2011-2012. Leaf samples collected from symptomatic plants and weeds were tested by mechanical inoculation and DAS-ELISA methods for the presence of Alfalfa mosaic virüs: AMV, Cucumber mosaic virus: CMV, Beet western yellows virus: BWYV, Miraflori Lettuce big vein virus: MiLBVV, Lettuce mosaic virus: LMV, Tobacco mosaic tobamovirus: TMV, Tobacco ring spot virüs: TRSV and Tomato spotted wilt virus: TSWV. Weed samples showed mosaics, chlorosis, and deformation symptoms were also collected from lettuce fields and tested by ELISA. Similar symptoms were observed in inoculated test plants. The symptomatic lettuce and spinach samples, were found to be infected with invastigated viruses by the rate of 67.9% and 38.8%, respectively. LMV (%47.1), MiLBVV (%11.3), TSWV (%5.6) and CMV (%3.7) were detected in lettuce samples. A total of 18 spinach samples were found to be infected with CMV (%16.6), TSWV (%11.1), LMV (%11.1). LMV and TSWV infections were determined for the first time in spinach plants in Hatay-Turkey. Other symptomatic samples are thought to be infected by different pathogens as viruses or phytoplasmas which were not examined in this study. LMV and TSWV infections in Conyza (Erigeron) canadensis, LMV infection in Sonchus oleraceus and TSWV infection in Cichorium intybus samples were firstly detected in Hatay-Turkey



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