ÖzetKıbrıslı Türkler, Kıbrıs’taki siyasi ve ekonomik nedenlere farklı dönemlerde İngiltere’ye göç etmişlerdir. Türkçe konuşan ve Müslüman olan Kıbrıslı Türklerde, din, dil, milliyet ve kültürel yapı olarak kendisinden farklı ve baskın olan bir kültür içerisinde azınlık bir etnik topluluk olması nedeniyle, kültürel belleğe dolayısıyla inanca, kültüre ve kimliğe ait unsurlarını kaybedip kendilerini vatanında hissedememe ve gelecek kuşakları yetiştirememe kaygıları oluşmuştur. Bu kaygılarla, kültürel belleklerini koruyabilecekleri, kendilerini vatandaymış gibi hissedebilecekleri, iletişim kurabilecekleri bir zemin hazırlayabilmek için; ana kültürü hatırlatan mekânlar oluşturmaya çalışarak, anavatandan birileriyle (Kıbrıs) evlenerek, söz ve davranış şekilleriyle, varlıklarını sürdürmeye ve baskın kültüre varlıklarını kabul ettirmeye çalışmışlardır. Bu çalışma Kıbrıslı Türklerin kişisel ve kültürel belleklerini koruyup aktarma, ana vatanlarıyla bağ kurma, baskın kültüre kendi kimliklerini kabul ettirme çabalarının; nasıl ve ne şekilde olduğunu incelemektedir. Çalışma çok fazla üzerinde durulmamış bir konu olması, farklı bağlamdaki sorunlara çözüm önerisi olarak kullanılabilmesi bağlamında önem arz etmektedir. İngiltere’de yaşayan, sayıları 100-150 bin civarı olduğu varsayılan Kıbrıslı Türk vardır. Araştırmamızın sistematiği, Kıbrıslı Türklerin İngiltere’ye ilk gidişleri olarak kabul ettiğimiz 1950 yılından, 2000 yılına kadar olan süreci kapsamaktadır. Çalışma evreni olarak Türklerin yoğun yaşadığı yer, Londra alınmıştır. Çalışmanın bulguları kartopu yöntemiyle görüşme ve alanda gözlem yapma tekniğiyle elde edilmiştir. Çalışmada, performans ve işlevsel teorilerin yöntemlerinden faydalanılarak sosyo-kültürel yapı analizi yapılmıştır.Anahtar Kelimeler: Kıbrıslı Türkler, Kültürel Bellek, Göç, Aktarım Bağlamı, Yabancılaşma.AbstractTurkish Cypriots migrated to England in different time phases due to political and economical reasons. Turkish speaking Muslim Cypriots, who have experienced the feeling of alienation because of living as an ethnic group in a different as well as dominant culture, have felt anxieties for not being able to bring up the young generations because of losing their cultural recollection, and so their religious, cultural and identical elements. With these anxieties, they tried to persist in their existence and make themselves accepted by the dominant culture through their attitudes regarded with their culture, or by marrying people from their homeland and designing places that reminds the native culture, so that they could create a context for protecting their cultural recollection, communication, and the feeling of being home. This study examines Turkish Cypriots’ attempts to establish a bond with their homeland; to protect their personal as well as cultural identities, and to make their identities accepted by the dominant culture. The study, which concerns a subject not much considered before, is important in the way it provides a proposal for a solution to problems in different contexts. It is assumed that there are around 100-150,000 Turkish Cypriots who live in England. This research’s systematic consists of the period from 1950, which is considered to be the period of the first migrations, till 2000. Target population is London for being the location which most of the Cypriots are living in. Findings of the research are obtained through the snowball sampling as well as observation technique. Thus, a socio-cultural constructive analysis has been made by using the theory of performance and functional theory.Keywords: Turkish Cypriots, Cultural Recollection, Migration, Transmission, Alienation.

Turkish Cypriots migrated to England in different time phases due to political and economic reasons. Turkish speaking Muslim Cypriots, who have experienced the feeling of alienation because of living as an ethnic group in a different as well as dominant culture, have felt anxieties for not being able to bring up the young generations because of losing their cultural recollection, and so their religious, cultural and identical elements. With these anxieties, they tried to persist in their existence and make themselves accepted by the dominant culture through their attitudes regarded with their culture, or by marrying people from their homeland and designing places that reminds the native culture, so that they could create a context for protecting their cultural recollection, communication, and the feeling of being home. This study examines Turkish Cypriots’ attempts to establish a bond with their homeland; to protect their personal as well as cultural identities, and to make their identities accepted by the dominant culture. The study, which concerns a subject not much considered before, is important in the way it provides a proposal for a solution to problems in different contexts. It is assumed that there are around 100-150,000 Turkish Cypriots who live in England. This research’s systematic consists of the period from 1950, which is considered to be the period of the first migrations, till 2000. Target population is London for being the location which most of the Cypriots are living in. Findings of the research are obtained through the snowball sampling as well as observation technique. Thus, a sociocultural constructive analysis has been made by using the theory of performance and functional theory.
