Sözlü Kültürün Kadın Temsilcileri

Sözlü kültür, bir toplumun tarihi, deneyimleri, alışkanlıklarıdır, geleneklerin-göreneklerin yansımalarıdır. Toplumun gözlemleriyle, tecrübeleriyle zenginleşir ve toplum hafızasında yer edinerek yayılır, dile gelir. Söz konusu dile getirişlerde, çeşitlilik göstererek birer sözlü kültür ürünü olurlar artık. Destanlar, masallar,

The Women Representatives of Oral Culture

Oral culture is the reflection of the history. experience, habits. traditions and customs of a community. it gets enriched with the observations and experiences of a community, and taking its place in the memory <?f the community it is spread and put into words. Such utters are undergone variations and eventually become an oral culıure product. Such oral cu/ture products as legendı» ta/es, anecdotes. epics. poets, nursery rhymes, laments and folk songs are the underlying examp/es of these prodııcts. The representatives and perf'ormers of these varied prodııcts are story tellers, aşıks, folk minstre/s and poet singers. having d(tferent characteristics. The representatives of oral cu/tııre. whose repertory is created and enriched throııgh .feeding from the commıınity they /ive, put into ıvordı· ıheir products in such oral cıılture environments as lıenna nights, village weddings. coııntryfests, village rooms, aşıks 'cafes. fairgroıınds. ôşıks 'jests and simi/ar places.


  • ASLANOĞLU, İ., (1965). Sivas Halk Şairleri Bayramı, Sivas Garnizonu Sosyal Hizmetler Kolu Yayınları, Sivas.
  • BALİ, M ., (1975). Aşık Karşılaşmaları-Atışmalar ve Bugünkü Durumu-I,Türk Folklor Araştırmaları, 3 1 4, 7432-7435.
  • BOGİN, M., (1980). The Women Troubadours, W. W. Norton Publishing, London.