Domestik Etnografi Örneği Olarak Ben Uçtum Sen Kaldın

Belgesel kameranın gerçekliği yeniden yaratmada ve tarihi yeniden yazmadaki özgün kapasitesi nedir? Tarih ve belleğin, aile ve bireyin kesişim noktalarında, kişisel hayat hikâyelerinin peşine düşen belgesel kamera egemen ideolojileri bükebilir mi? Bu makale, Mizgin Müjde Arslan’ın Ben Uçtum Sen Kaldın (Ez Firiyam Tu Mayi Li Cih) filmine kendi-dönüşlü bir anlatı olarak odaklanmaktadır. Ben Uçtum Sen Kaldın’da Arslan aile tarihindeki boşlukları doldurmaya çalışırken karşıt sesleri bastıran huzursuz bir tarihi yeniden keşfetmektedir.

I Flew You Stayed as an Example of Domestic Ethnography

In what ways does documentary camera with its unique capacity to disentangle reality penetrate and reconstruct history? At the intersections of history and memory and of family and self, how do documentary narratives crafted through the pursuit of personal life stories, longed family members, and childhood recollections contest hegemonic ideologies about identity?  This article focuses on I Flew You Stayed (2012) by Mizgin Müjde Arslan as a reflexive narrative of tracing longed family members and occult life stories. As Arslan searches for her family history to fill out painful gaps in her life journey through documentary practice, she ends up uncovering a restless history construed by ideologies that silence counter-hegemonic voices in unique ways.


  • Akkaya, D. (Yönetmen). (2013) Diyar [Documentary Film]. Istanbul: Aheste Film.
  • Arslan, M. M. (Yönetmen). (2012) Ez Firiyam Tu Ma Li Cih – I Flew You Stayed [Documentary Film]. Istanbul: Asi Film.
  • Khardalian, S. (Yönetmen). (2011) Grandma’s Tattoos [Documentary Film]. Stockholm: HB PeA Holmquist Film.
  • Renov, M. (1999). Domestic Ethnography and the Construction of the ‘Other’ Self. Jane M. Gaines ve Michael Renov (Der.), içinde, Collecting Visible Evidence, (s.140-56). Minneapolis: The University of Minnesota Press.
  • Stoller, P. (1992). The Cinematic Griot: Ethnography of Jean Rouch. Chicago. The University of Chicago Press, 1992.