Bu çalışmada; Osmanlı Devleti’nde okul öncesi eğitimin tarihi gelişimianaliz edilmeye çalışıldı. Klasik Osmanlı eğitim-öğretim kurumlarında bugünkü manada yer almayan okul öncesi eğitim düşüncesi, batılı örneklerine paralelolarak Tânzimâtla birlikte yerini bulacaktır. Gayri Müslim azınlık bu konudahemen harekete geçerken, Osmanlı Anaokulları gerek özel gerekse resmi manâda II. Meşrutiyetle birlikte kurulacaktır. Kanunlar çıkarılıp, nizâmnâmeler yayınlanacak, İstanbul Öğretmen Okulu dahilinde anaokulu öğretmeni şubesi açılacaktır


In this research, the historical development of preschool education in Ottoman State is tried to be analyzed. In Classic Ottoman Education-Instruction Institutes, the thought of preschool education, which didn’t mean the same as we understand today, took place with the Tanzimat in parallel with the western examples. Non-Muslim minority started to work on that issue immediately but on the other hand Ottoman Kindergartens are established with the Constitutional II (1324-1908) in both private and public meaning. The new law is established, regulations are made and a section for kindergarten teachers is founded in Istanbul Teacher Training School. Yet these efforts which were attempted without preparation and substructure weren’t sufficient enough. At last, social and political problems and economical collapse which are occured as a result of World War I affected these institutions and they are abolished in early 1920s. Furthermore, in this research, the progress is quoted in the direction of İbrahim Alaaddin’s article, which was published in Tedrisat Magazine, headlined as “Kindergartens-Gardens of Children”, and there are some assessments about in both preschool education and its applications in Ottoman State.