"Yaşam kalitesi" geçmişten günümüze tıbbi düşünceleri Quality of life has been existed as a phenomenon that ve eylemleri etkileyen bir olgu olmuş ve mutluluk, anlamlı affects medical thoughts and actions from past to present. It yaşam, kendini iyi hissetme, rahat bir yaşam sürme, has been discussed in the context of different concepts like yaşama gayesi, yaşama şansı ve hayatın değeri gibi birçok happiness, meaningful life, wellbeing, live a comfortable life, farklı kavram çerçevesinde ele alınarak tartışılmıştır. Bu the purpose of life, the chance to live and the value of life.tartışmaların tarihsel temelleri "mutluluk" ve "iyi yaşam" The historical basis of these discussions traced back to the konularını irdeleyen Yunan filozofları Platon ve Aristo'ya Greek philosophers Plato and Aristotle who had considered dayandırılmaktadır. Çalışmamızda yaşam kalitesi kavramının the issues "happiness" and "the good life". The aim of antik dönemdeki öncüllerini belirlemek üzere, bu filozofların our study is to determine the ancient period premises of "Devlet" ve "Nikomakhos'a Etik" isimli eserlerinden yola the concept "quality of life" in the light of the works "The çıkılmış ve onların yaşam kalitesi ile ilgili düşünceleri sırasıyla Republic" and "Nicomachean Ethics" of these philosophers.ele alınıp irdelenmiştir

The Ancient Predecessors of “Quality of Life”

Quality of life has been existed as a phenomenon that affects medical thoughts and actions from past to present. It has been discussed in the context of different concepts like happiness, meaningful life, wellbeing, live a comfortable life, the purpose of life, the chance to live and the value of life. The historical basis of these discussions traced back to the Greek philosophers Plato and Aristotle who had considered the issues “happiness” and “the good life”. The aim of our study is to determine the ancient period premises of the concept “quality of life” in the light of the works “The Republic” and “Nicomachean Ethics” of these philosophers.


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