Abstract In today's conditions, people are crushed under the stress of city life. For this reason, it strives to reintegrate with nature and to raise awareness at every opportunity, and also contributes to the development of rural development. For this purpose, the concept of eco-tourism comes to the fore in terms of introducing ecosystems to people. Ecotourism is an important tool in raising awareness about the protection of the ecosystems they live in by the people who live in touch with nature. There are many activities within the scope of eco-tourism in Turkey. Bird watching is a meaningful activity among them. Bird watching tourism, as a branch of eco-tourism, is constantly developing and constitutes the largest group of eco tourists. On average, birdwatchers are well-educated, well-income, and deeply committed to what they do. Bird watching tourism has high potential to provide local and national incentives for the economy, improvement of the environmental situation, education of local people on the importance of biodiversity, successful conservation and conservation of natural areas. Bird watching tourism is developing day by day and gaining importance. For this reason, in this study, the importance of bird watching tourism, its development, the points to be considered during observation, bird watching areas in Turkey, ecological and economic effects of bird watching will be discussed. In addition, it is aimed to contribute to a small extent in raising the consciousness of nature to human beings.


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