İlköğretim öğrencilerinin ormana ilişkin görüşleri: Nitel bir araştırma

The aim of this study is determined to examine the seventh class students’ in the city center Primary School of Burdur, view on forests, using qualitative research techniques. This study is made by totally 343 seventh class students who study in the city center Primary Schools in Burdur between the education years of 2007-2008. Most part of the sudents in Primary School, Seem to have taken measures on saving forests. Seem to have had series of projects on the purpose of developing and increasing forests. Seem to have thought that forests are important for the logical economy Seem to have not attended any activities towards improving forests. Seem to have travelled in the forest to have a nice time and get entertained. Seem to, from the answers they give, have comprehended the importance and value of the forest in human life, how much human beings are in need of forests, and human life could no longer exist without the existence of the forests.

Primary school students’ opinions about forest: A qualitative study

The aim of this study is determined to examine the seventh class students’ in the city center Primary School of Burdur, view on forests, using qualitative research techniques. This study is made by totally 343 seventh class students who study in the city center Primary Schools in Burdur between the education years of 2007-2008. Most part of the sudents in Primary School, Seem to have taken measures on saving forests. Seem to have had series of projects on the purpose of developing and increasing forests. Seem to have thought that forests are important for the logical economy Seem to have not attended any activities towards improving forests. Seem to have travelled in the forest to have a nice time and get entertained. Seem to, from the answers they give, have comprehended the importance and value of the forest in human life, how much human beings are in need of forests, and human life could no longer exist without the existence of the forests.


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