Denetleyici ve düzenleyici sistemler konusunda uygulanan çoklu zekâ kuramının öğrencilerin başarısına etkisi

The aim of this study is to assess the effect of biology teaching based on multiple intelligence theory, on academic success of students. Study group was selected from 11th grade science students of Erzurum Hacı Sami Boydak Anadolu Lisesi in the 2008-2009 academic years. One group of students receiving classical teaching was chosen as control, while a second group receiving multiple intelligence theory based teaching was chosen as experiment group. Control System Success Test and Biology Behavior Scale were used to determine the effects of two different teaching strategies. The study comprised one week of pre-test, 4 weeks of teaching practice, and one week of post-test, 6 weeks in sum. Applications were made by the researcher. Numeric data obtained was assessed in SPSS. Statistical assessment was made by independent variables t-test. Results suggest that multiple intelligence based teaching was more effective that classical teaching methods in Control and Regulatory Systems subject.

Effect of multiple intelligence theory applied for control and regulatory systems on student success

The aim of this study is to assess the effect of biology teaching based on multiple intelligence theory, on academic success of students. Study group was selected from 11th grade science students of Erzurum Hacı Sami Boydak Anadolu Lisesi in the 2008-2009 academic years. One group of students receiving classical teaching was chosen as control, while a second group receiving multiple intelligence theory based teaching was chosen as experiment group. Control System Success Test and Biology Behavior Scale were used to determine the effects of two different teaching strategies. The study comprised one week of pre-test, 4 weeks of teaching practice, and one week of post-test, 6 weeks in sum. Applications were made by the researcher. Numeric data obtained was assessed in SPSS. Statistical assessment was made by independent variables t-test. Results suggest that multiple intelligence based teaching was more effective that classical teaching methods in Control and Regulatory Systems subject.


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