Kalite Parametrelerinin İç Mekân Tasarımı Özelinde Yorumlanması ve Barselona Tasarım Müzesi Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme

Yapı, bir insan aktivitesidir. Kullanıcının, tasarımcının ve dahil olan diğer herkesin kişisel görüşlerinin, tercihlerinin ve karakterinin, mekân üzerinde kendi etkisi söz konusudur. Bu kapsamda çalışma, mekân ile kullanıcısı arasındaki dinamik bir yapıya sahip ilişkinin “kalite” kavramı üzerinden okunmasını temel almaktadır. Böyle bir ilişkinin; toplumun eğitim, kültür, estetik vb. bilincini geliştirmesi öngörülen müze mekânlarında “ideal” olan ile birlikte “olumlu” davranış biçimlerini geliştirmesi beklenir. Mekânsal kalitenin üst seviyelerde sağlanabilmesi davranışı olumlu yönde etkileyerek ziyaretçi kapsamını genişletirken, düşük seviyelerde bırakılmasının olumsuz etki ile ziyaretçi kapsamını daraltacağı düşünülmektedir. Bu doğrultuda çalışma, bütünde literatür taraması, uygulamaya yönelik verilerin oluşturulması ve gözlem yolu ile değerlendirme olmak üzere iki temel yöntem kullanılarak kurgulanmıştır. Bir tasarımcının tasarım sürecinde başvurabileceği ya da bir araştırmacının değerlendirme yöntemi olarak kullanabileceği kalite parametreleri Van der Voordt ile Van Wegen’in ortak çalışması olan “Architecture in Use” adlı eser referans alınarak listelenmiş ve iç mimarlık mesleği bağlamında nasıl değerlendirilebileceklerine dair araştırmalar ile açıklanmıştır. Böylece mekânın oluşturulması ve okunmasında sistematik fayda sağlayacağı düşünülen parametre göstergeleri için altlık oluşturulmuştur. Sonraki aşamada ise yazar tarafından belirlenen bu göstergeler tablolaştırılarak sunulmuş, mevcut bir müze yapısı oluşturulan rehber kapsamında irdelenmiştir. Bu noktada öncelikli amaç; tasarımcıların araştırmalarını geliştirebilecekleri yönlere ve tasarım kararları alırken göz önünde bulundurmaları gereken değişkenlere yönelik kontrol listesi olarak da kullanılabilecek nitelikte bir rehber ortaya koymak, kitlelerin deneyimlerine bağlı olarak geliştirdiği davranış sürecine memnuniyet çerçevesinde katkı sağlamaktır.

Interpretation of Quality Parameters in Interior Design Special and An Evaluation Over Barcelona Design Museum

A building being professionally well thought out is not enough for it to be seen as architecture. In cases where user requirements are not met sufficiently or none and the labour is defective and faulty, architectural quality cannot be mentioned (Van der Voordt, Van Wegen, 2005:4). The ability of a museum to offer its visitors a special experience within the scope of its works cannot be considered apart from the well-designed places where those works are presented. In this context, the main motivation of the study is to ensure that the requirements are taken into consideration during the design phase of the space that brings the visitor to the work/object and to increase satisfaction depending on the quality. The research objectives summarized below were determined toward these considerations; • To explain the spatial features that affect visitor behavior within quality parameters, • To develop a guideline proposal as a base for a future museum design, • To present evaluations about a sample case with reference to guideline. Taking the museum experience as a whole is important for the visitor’s desire to spend more time in the place. Although the concentration seems to be in exhibition spaces; auxiliary spaces, circulation areas, reception areas, etc. are equally effective on behavior and requires user-oriented solutions. With this awareness, the discussion of museums, which are social spaces, within the framework of holistic design approach is among the secondary purposes. The parameters that should be considered in the design process are classified into categories/items so that they do not lose their visibility in the whole and create a simple and understandable syllabus. This classification was created with reference to the work named “Architecture in Use”, which is the joint work of Van der Voordt and Van Wegen, and based on the explanations of each parameter in the literature, the indicators that are thought to be systematically beneficial in reading the space have been determined. These indicators have been brought together in a guide that is expected to support the designer or researcher in the planning and evaluating phase of a museum project. The purpose of the guide is to contribute to how research can be developed in the design process and what variables can be taken into account while making quality researches. The establishment of a design museum in Turkey has been the focal point of the works to be carried out towards the development of design consciousness after Istanbul become UNESCO ‘Creative City of Design’ in 2017. Therefore, Barcelona Design Museum, one of the famous examples around the globe, has been evaluated in the context of spatial quality by taking the developed guideline proposal as reference. A chart was prepared in order to develop a concrete, systematic and practical form of expression in the evaluation of the determined indicators. Suggestions covering the development of methods and data for researches to be put forward after this study can be listed as follows; • This research is not about how designers should design a space, but it suggests what a designer should pay attention in the design process without ignoring the human being, the user and the visitor of the space in general discourse for museums who is the reason for the existence of that space, through a guideline. Therefore, with some formal changes that can be made, the guideline can be transformed from the checklist to a scoring chart or model proposal based on scoring for each parameter. • Within the scope of the research, it is foreseen that the author may experience the space as the user herself. For this reason, a different framework has been drawn according to the researches that can be made over multiple users. However, future studies can be grouped according to demographic characteristics within the parameters and indicators revealed. • The connection the user establishes with the space has an important place in shaping his/her memories about that space. For this reason, expanding the status of quality within the framework of architectural memory formation may reveal new spatial research topics. In the literature reviews, it was realized that spatial quality studies were mostly examined in urban scale and in some studies on structural scale. Therefore, it is thought that this study, which has developed a user-oriented approach to interior space quality, will present a different perspective to the literature.


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  • URL 1. https://istanbul.design/storage/papers/May2018 [Erişim tarihi: 30 Aralık 2018].
  • URL 2. Enric Ruiz-Geli resmi web sitesi, https://www.ruiz-geli. com/projects/built/media-tic [Erişim tarihi: 04 Şubat 2019].
  • URL 3. B720 Fermín Vázquez Arquitectos resmi web sitesi http:// b720.com/portfolio/mercat-dels-encants/ [Erişim tarihi: 04 Şubat 2019].
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  • ISSN: 1305-5798
  • Yayın Aralığı: Yılda 4 Sayı
  • Başlangıç: 2006
  • Yayıncı: Kare Yayıncılık
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