İnsanın içinde yaşadığı fiziki çevre, aslında sosyal çevreye bağlı olarak şekillenmektedir. Çünkü ..... yeniden bir araya getirilmesi önem taşımaktadır.


The physical environment in which human beings live. shapes with respect to social surroundings primarily. Because, this is a matter of human perception that shapes the environment according to the needs and desires of humans. Therefore the social surroundings and physical environment stand in an indissociable relationship to each other.Unhappiness and depression which are particularly common in new urban areas. arise from low quality of human interactions as well'as political. economic and social institutions. Modern people suffer from promotion of material sciences only which is considered as superior to social sciences. The solution is that. one should make an effort to know himself/herself better.Traditional Turkish town is significantly important in terms of traditional values and spatial identity, and has aspects that should be an example for architects and urban planners. Meeting of urban elements that allows human relations and social relations. and provides materials that are compliance with human health and human life has a great importance.


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  • ALVER, Köksal (2007) "Siteril Hayatlar". Hece Yayınları. İstanbul.
  • Aslanoğlu. A. Rana (2000) "Kent, Kimlik ve Küreselleşme". Ezgi Yay1nlan. 2. Baskı. Bursa.
  • Bal. Hüseyin (2001) Kent Sosyolojisi, Fakülte Kitabevi, lsparta.