Rethinking the Iranian Islamic Revolution of 1979 with the Security Dilemma of the Cold War

The case of Iranian Revolution can be interpreted in different ways in the light of the fact that it isstill a revolution that continues to be written and discussed too much about. The study of the IranianRevolution in literature, in general, confronts a growing resistance with the influence of the oppositionpeople who oppose the oppression of the Pahlavi Dynasty dictatorship and grows under the influence ofthe Islamic phenomenon. However, in order to understand the Iranian Revolution, the perspective thatis focused on the internal dynamics will not be sufficient. The external dynamics and the interactionof external dynamics with these actors must be a further perspective that needs to be focused tounderstand this particular revolution.In this article, the differences of the Iranian Revolution are evaluated in a different perspective fromthe point of view of the literature. Rather than explaining the revolution with the historical process, itfocused on the external dynamics that constitute the historical process. While evaluating the externaldynamics, it is explained that the anarchy created by the Cold War in the international system throughthe security dilemma, and that the internal dynamic effect of this dilemma in a strategic country suchas Iran could be realized by developing the anti-imperialist identity building of Khomeini throughdiscourse and integrating all opposition groups. While evaluating the external dynamics, it is explainedthat the anarchy created by the Cold War in the international system through the security dilemma, andthat the internal dynamic effect of this dilemma in a strategic country such as Iran could be realizedby developing the Anti-Imperialist identity building of Khomeini through discourse and realizing theIslamic revolution of all opposition groups.


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