Ye’s ve Be’s Halinde İmanın Hükmü: Firâvun’un İmanı Örneği

ÖzetÎmân, slâm âlimleri tarafndan, insann hür irâdesi ile benimsemesi gereken bir tercih olarak de-erlendirilmitir. Bu nedenle, insann irâdesini devre d brakan her hangi hâricî bir tesirdendolay ikrâr edilen îmânn geçerlilii tartlmtr. Buna örnek olarak, Hz. Mûsâ ve kavmini kovalayarakKzl Deniz’de boularak ölen Firavun’un boulmadan hemen önce ikrâr ettii îmânngeçerli olup olmad hakknda birçok risâle kaleme alnmtr. bnü’l-Arabî, bu konuda slâmâlimlerinin genel yaklamna aykr deerlendirmelerde bulunduundan, risâlelerin önemli birksm onunla ayn görüte olmamakla beraber, onu savunma mâhiyeti tamaktadr. Bu makalemizdesöz konusu yazma risâlelerden örnekler seçilerek konu üzerinde bir sonuca varmaya çallmaktadr.Anahtar Kelimler: Îmân, Firavûn, bnü’l-Arabî, ye’s, be’s, yazma risâleler.AbstractFaith was evaluated by the scholars of Islam as a choice that it should be adopted by the free willof man. On that account, because of any external effect which disable human free will validity ofthe profess of belief was discussed. As an example, many treatises were written about thatwhether the faith of Pharaoh who drowned just before his profess of belief in the Red Sea whilehe was following the prophet Musa and his people was valid. Since Ibn al-Arabi’s’ relevantopinions were in opposition to general approach of Islamic scholars, significant part of the treatiseswere defended him, althouth they have different oppinion. In this article with selecting examplesin the given treatises we tried to reach a conclusion on this issue.Key Words: Faith, Pharaoh, Ibn al-Arabi, hopelessness, regret, historical writing treatise