Ruh-Beden ve İnsan-Aşkın Varlık İlişkisine Yönelik Psikolojik Yaklaşımın Tarihi Serüveni

Öz: Bilinen ilk devirlerden beri insan, içinde yaşadığı evrendeki konumunu belirlemek amacıylakendisi ve çevresiyle ilgili sorulara cevap aramıştır. Sorular genellikle aynı kaldığı halde belli dönemlerdebu sorulara verilen cevaplar değişmiş ve bilimsel gelişime katkı sağlamıştır. Modern psikolojininortaya çıkışında ise özellikle ruh-beden ve insan-aşkın varlık ilişkisine getirilen açıklamalaretkili olmuştur. Bu makalede, söz konusu ilişki biçimlerine yönelik yaklaşımlar ve bu yaklaşımlarınpsikolojinin bağımsız bir bilim dalı haline gelmesinde etkili olan yönleri kronolojik bir sıra ile elealınmaktadır. Makalenin temel önermesi, psikoloji alanındaki güncel eğilimleri anlamak için insanadair yaklaşımın tarihi seyrine bakmanın önemli olduğudur.Anahtar Kelimeler: Psikoloji Tarihi, Felsefe, Ruh, Zihin, Bilinç, Beden, İnsan, Aşkın Varlık, Tanrı, DinThe historical process of psychological approach to the relationships between body and souland human and transcendent beingAbstract: Since the early periods, human has sought answers to questions about himself and hisenvironment to determine his position in the universe he lives in. Although these questions haveremained the same the answers have changed in certain periods and have contributed to the developmentof science. Explanations related to the relationships between body and soul/mind andhuman and transcendent being had had a great influence on the emergence of modern psychology.In this article, we chronologically put forth the approaches to these relationships and their effect onpsychology. The main argument of the article is that it is important to revise the course of history ofthe approach to human in order to understand recent tendencies in psychology.Keywords: History of Psychology, Philosophy, Soul / Spirit, Mind, Conscious, Body, Human,Transcendent, God, Religion


Since the early periods, human has sought answers to questions about himself and his environment to determine his position in the universe he lives in. Although these questions have remained the same the answers have changed in certain periods and have contributed to the development of science. Explanations related to the relationships between body and soul/mind and human and transcendent being had had a great influence on the emergence of modern psychology. In this article, we chronologically put forth the approaches to these relationships and their effect on psychology. The main argument of the article is that it is important to revise the course of history of the approach to human in order to understand recent tendencies in psychology.


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