KELÂM İLMİ VE YENİDEN YAPILANMA SÜREÇLERİ Geçmiş Duygusu, Kültürel Bellek ve Hayatın Gerçekleri Ekseninde Bir Değerlendirme

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ISLAMIC THEOLOGY (ILM AL-KALAM) AND THE PROCESSES OF THE RECONSTRUCTIONA Study on Context of Sense of the Past, Cultural Momery and theFacts of The Life

Ijtihaad was generally understood in Islamic classical thought as a problem that concerned with Islamic Law (Ilm al-Fiqh). The process of the changing that modernism gave rise to, provided a different point of view. That means the process went on with wider and deeper extend, from social sciences to arts, and from politics to philophosical and theological investigations. Throughout the last period of Ottoman Empire, especially in Tanzimat period, the thinkers and scholars discussed the problem regression and they searched the way from this circumtance. Reconstructive tendency focused on some terms which are taken from literature of classical Islamic disciplines, such as ijtihaad, maslaha(t), maqaased. But it seems that, these terms are comprehended on the different context. In this study I examine the re- construction of Islamic theological thought with relevance between the thoughts and so- cial and political changing; and with power balances in the changing world