ABDULLAH B. MES’ÛD’UN HANEFÎ MEZHEBİNİN OLUŞUMUNDAKİ ROLÜ Bir Genel Kabulün Buhârî ve Müslim Rivâyetleri Çerçevesinde Gözden Geçirilmesi

THE ROLE OF ABDULLAH IBN MASUD ON THE FORMATION OF THE HANAFITE SECT OF ISLAM A Review Of A Widely Accepted Idea In View Of The Narratives By Al-Bukhari And Al-Muslim

It is a known fact that the tradition of Islamic law in which Abu Hanifa, the founder of the Hanafite Sect, has grown is named as the Kufa School, and that it is Abdullah ibn Masud who pioneered the linage of that school. The present study seeks answers to the following questions calling attention to what extent Abdullah ibn Masud has been seen as a narrator in the texts of Hanafite scholars, particularly in al-Bukhari and al-Muslim: To what extent Abu Hanifa has given place to the narratives born of Abdullah ibn Masud? In other words, can one assert that the perspectives of Abdullah ibn Masud has been wholly, or duly represented in the sys- tem peculiar to the Hanafite School of thought?