The purpose of monetary programming is to prevent effects of economic instabilities for a stable economy. The monetary programming must have some basic characteristics Yıldırım, 1995 . ٭ Monetary programming must be coherent with inflation targets of central bank. ٭ Monetary programming must be to give a direction expects of money markets and finance markets. ٭ The target changeable of monetary programming must be related with economic activities. ٭ The target changeable of monetary programming must be include all tools of monetary policy. Briefly, in the monetary programming target changeables to choose most important. Now, we examine the historical progress of monetary programming. In the developed West Countries, the practice of monetary programming started in the year 1973 after the oil shock . Monetary programming was used in Germany for the first time in the year 1974. To be continued, North Europe Countries used monetary programming and most important economic successful provided. Altough in Turkey, this practice has been started in the years 1985 and 1986s


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