The pyrophyllite deposits of Pütürge massif (Malatya - Eastern Turkey) have been increasingly used in last years for white cement Production because of their low iron and chromium content. Around 25 pyrophyllite occurrences are explored along a nearly 15 km's long belt south of Pütürge, where 10 quarries are opened. The co-existence of high-AI pyrophyllite and kyanite indicate that the pyrophyllites were formed during a retrograde greenschist metamorphic phase, which the massif had experienced. Five different types of pyrophyllite are identified; pyrophyllite with high Al content. pyrophyllite with sericite, pyrophyllite with high silica modüle, pyrophyllite with low silica modüle and pyrophyllite with low alkaline content respectively. In this study, mineralogical and geochemical properties of these pyrophyllites are described


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