At Kırşehir center, in Kuşdili and Kayabaşı, along NE-SW directed extensional fracture, there are a fissure ridge type-travertine-tufa deposits. Travertine-tufa ridge is approximately 800 m in length and 10-30 m in width. The hot-water saturated with calcium bicarbonate and minerals are enhensed from fissures and have caused to deposit yellow-orange, brown and cream colored travertine in the walls of fissures as well as along both sides. On the walls of the fissure, parallel to the fissure, compact and hard, laminated and thin-bedded travertine crusts were deposited. However, in both sides of the ridge, consistent with the slopes, the bedded crusts being porous, spongy tufas were deposits as well. Millimeter and Centimeter sized microscopic structures, similar to shrubs, are commonly found in this hot water originated travertine-tufas. These are; 1-Dendritic structures and, 2-Crystal bunches. Dendritic structures own micritic aggregate, shrub bunch, reed bunch and small twig shapes. There are calcite crystallisations among the twigs. But the crystal bunches are knife-shaped, large crystals and fibrous ray crystal structures. Dendritic structures have developed in the laminated crust and micro-terrace pools, located on both slopes of the fissure. On the other hand, the crystal bunches are common on the parallel-laminated crusts deposited an developed chemically. Super crystals were developed on the prismatic crystals, that were also developed along c-axes of the fibrous crystals. 



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