Hydrocarbon accumulations sometimes have effects on seismic data which can be used to indicate suitable worthy accumulations of hydrocarbon areas. The most prominent of these effects in increase in amplitude. Hydrocarbon accumulations may produce sufficent changes in amplitude however changes in acoustic impedance can be caused by various reasons. To get more information possible from the seismic data, impedance comparison and examination of all the properties constitutes the basic idea of seismic attribute analysis. From the analysis of seismic data by the amplitude information which has a primordial importance and other factors to be taken into cosideration are called seicmic attributes which are used to get contribution to interpretation and to make detailed analysis. The most useful attributes are amplitude, phase, frequency, polarity and velocity. Depending on the problem to be solved, seismic attributes can be obtained from instantaneous analysis, lateral continuity relationship and large variety of seismic data. In this work, several post stack seismic attributes is defined and how they can be used to get opportunities for interpretation is examined. After the application of migration, seismic attribute analysis is applied to two dimensional seismic data in Trakya region and provide the opportunity for comparison between seismic subsurface characteristics. With the comparison of conventional sections by the information of seismic attributes, it is observed that attributes can be used to enhance the interpretation.



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