Anadolu sıradağlarını tektonik ünitelere ayırma tecrübesi, bilindiği gibi, 1896 da E. Naumann ile başlamış, daha sonra E. Argand (1924), R. Staub (1924, 1928), v. W. Seidlitz (1931), L. Kober (1931, 1942) gibi alp jeologları tarafından geliştirilmiştir.

Tectonic Units of Anatolia (Asia Minor)

The first subdivision of the Anatolian mountain ranges into tectonic units was made in 1896 by E. Naumann, and his classification was later developed further by Alpine geologists such as E. Argand (1924), R. Staub (1924, 1928), v. W. Seidlitz (1931) and L. Kober (1931). In this first period the orogenetic belts of Anatolia were divided from north to south into three units, namely: Pontids, Intermediary massifs and Taurids, which were believed to be comparable to units in the Alps. The Pontids were connected to the Alpids by means of High Balkans and Carpathians; and in the same way the Taurus Mountains, by means of Hellenids, to Dinarids. In 1939, P. Arni divided the Anatolian mountain ranges into more units, based on his geological and paleontological researches in East and Southeast Anatolia, and comparing Eastern Anatolia with the mountain belts in Western Iran. He joined up the units which show similarities in tectonic development in both countries. P. Arni, in his paper (4), divided Eastern Anatolian and Western Iranian ranges, from north to south, into following tectonic units : Northern Branch Pontids Southern Branch Anatolids Taurids Iranids (Zone of dislodged slices = Schuppenzone of Anatolia and Iran) Inner folds Border folds Outer folds Syrian - Arabian blocks 


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