The pyrite occurrences described in this paper are located in the lowest section of Infracambrian sequences situated along the eastern border of the Attepe iron ore deposit in the Mansurlu District of Adana. The pyritic formations represent two different mineral parageneses. The dominant group is represented by thin pyrite layers and pyrite-bearing carbonate layers alternating with dark grey to black colored carbonaceous shales and phyllites, whereas the second group is found in siderite veins associated with fahlore. Sedimentary pyrites occurring mostly as small massive layers, lenses, isolated single crystals, diagenetic injection drops, defined in this study, and veins exhibit typical sedimentary and some distinctive geochemical features compared with the other. Their depositional and diagenetic features indicate a mode of sedimentary formation of pyrites under reducing conditions during the Infracambrian. On the contrary, pyrites in siderite veins having quite varying amounts of minor elements such as Cu, As, Sb, Co, Se and Hg when compared to the sedimentary pyrites, must have formed as a younger generation by an epigenetic process between post Cretaceous and Paleocene.


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