Systematic descriptions of the benthonic foraminifers of the Paleogene sediments around Namrun (İçel) area have been investigated and general stratigraphical records of the area have been given. The rock units of Upper Cretaceous, Paleogene and Neogene ages crop out in the study area. Upper Cretaceous sequence comprises ophiolitic materials which includes radiolarite, limestone blocks and flysch. Upper Pateocene (llerdian) sequence discordantly overlies the Upper Cretaceous unit, and it is composed of sandstone, marl and sandy-dayey limestones. The sandy-clayey limestones contain species of the foraminifera such as Alveolina subpyrenaica Leymerie, Alveolina moussoulensis Hottinger and Alveolina varians Hottinger. Lower Eocene (Cuisian) sediments conformably overlie the llerdian, and it is composed of sandstone, marl and clayey limestones. The clayey limestones of the Cuisian sequence comprise foraminifers such as Alveolina cf. levantina Hottinger. Alveolina cf. violea Checchia-Rispoli. Alveolina multicanalifera Drobne, Nummulites globulus Leymerie, Nummulites partschi de la Harpe. Nummulites burdigalensis (de la Harpe). Lockhartia conditi (Nuttall), and Lockhartia hunt Ovey. Middle Eocene (Lutetian) sequence overlies conformably tha Cuisian sediments, and it is composed of dayey limestones which are soiled white, yellow and cream colored, and well bedded. In addition, the Lutetian sediments are represented by Alveolina tenuis Hottinger, Alveolina frumentiformis Schwager, Alveolina stipes Hottinger, Alveolina munieri Hottinger, Nummulites uranensis (de la Harpe), Nummulites lehneri Schaub, Assilina exponens (Sowerby), and Sphzerogypsina globulus (Reuss). The Lutetian sequence is discordantly overlain by the Neogene dayey limestone and conglomerates.  



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